Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Compostable Packaging for Fast-Moving consumer goods

 If you’re someone who has fast moving consumer goods, such as food, drinks, and even items for the household, you might wonder if there is a way to build sustainability initiatives for you to enjoy.

With the growing worry for plastic waste getting out of control, people are curious as to the types of trees that they can buy, which will in turn help them with their own ability to properly ensure that the products are maintained at the highest quality, without the excessive waste.

One type of item that’s become popular in recent years is compostable packaging. This is where the item is disposed of through compost. Sometimes, you can dispose of it behind the house in a compost pile, but there are also industrial compost that compost it for you. Regardless, the end result is to get it into the soil, which provides some very good elements and nutrients to improve soil health.

Let’s look at how this can be pushed, and what you need to ensure that compostable packaging works for these goods. 

Plant Based Materials and Polymers that Break down 

For a lot of these products, the biggest thing that you need to have is to have it so that it will break down naturally.

For food containers, this can be simple, as you can have cardboard or corrugated fiberboard right there and ready for it to break down. The goal here is you want it to break down naturally through composting. 

Paper is another great one, but there is also cellulose packaging. While not as common, this, sugarcane, and other products are great. Overall, you want polymers that will break down in a natural sense, offering you the best for those interested in composting. 

Protective Elements 

However, with this, you also need to ensure that you’re being sustainable, and protective. With fast-moving consumer goods, time is indeed of the essence. But it’s more than t
hat. you want to make sure that in this speedy environment, it gets to the customers without too much trouble. 

So yes, you need top-level product protection, and a shelf-life that is factored in as well when you are purchasing these. 

Better shelf Life 

Some of these packaging designs require insulation, or other elements that will strengthen the shelf life. 

You need to consider these in the design. This can be as simple as having corrugated paper, or something along these lines. 

Why Have This 

You might wonder why you should consider compostable packaging. 

Well, while reusable and recyclable packaging work, they do have their limitations. There’s recycling initiatives, but not everyone does them. 

For reusable packaging, you need to give them an incentive to resume. If that isn’t there, then the customers aren’t going to be as interested in this. 

Overall, you want to make sure that it’s pretty obvious what the intuition is. you should also consolidate all of the items as well to make it easy to break down.

Some people prefer this because compostable packaging is easy to put together. However, there are a few things that you must consider. 

The first of which is the costs of this. a lot of biodegradable packaging tends to cost more.

The second is performance. When you are building this compostable packaging, consider as well whether or not it will be easy to dispose of. If not, consider changing the initiatives.

Finally, scalability. With the growing markets, especially for fast-moving consumer goods, you need to make sure that everyone is on the same page, so that they can get all of the goods to others in due time.